Monday, July 6, 2020
Problems with Perception with Migraine Auras and Alice in Wonderland Syndrome - Free Essay Example
Problems with perception with migraine auras and Alice in Wonderland syndrome Perception is a daily occurrence involved in taste, touch, smell, and vision. Perception plays a role in all sensory information (Rice University, 2016).Details, for example, how big is this room compared to me, or, that pie smells like my grandmothers, are both sensory inputs. However, the way the information is categorized, and much of its relevance, is based on an individuals perception. Perceptions can mean that a stimulus is perceived to be a certain way, in reference to size, shape, color and relevance, by different individuals based on each individuals personality, experiences, and upbringing (Rice University, 2016). Perception creates taste preferences and makes some sounds beautiful and others unpleasant (Rice University, 2016). Perception of distance, both physical distance, or the requirements to reach a goal, can influence actions and decisions. Perception may not match reality. Illusions are an example of when perception does not match reality (Rice University, 2016). Illusions are not the only way perception can be altered. Alteration of perception occurs in both migraine auras and is clearly demonstrated at an extreme level in the Alice in Wonderland syndrome. Alteration of perception can be visual or tactile and may affect body size and sense of motion. Auras are most commonly a visual disturbance in perception but may also affect other senses such as taste, hearing, or motor control. The Alice in Wonderland syndrome is thought to be a migraine aura, of sorts. However, the syndrome is not very well understood and has been attributed to several causes. This paper will address perception and two key disturbances found in perception. Migraine is a rather common disorder involving a headache that can last for several days and is recurring (Weatherall,2015). It is though that 1 in 10 people suffer from migraines. (Elrington,2002). Migraines may be accompanied by vomiting, dizziness, sensitivity to light and loss of appetite.(Weatherall,2015). Migrai nes are thought to have a genetic component. However, events may also drigger the disorder. Migraine auras are thought to be a warning system that precedes impending migraines. Auras are a disturbance in perception. They are usually visual in nature. Migraine auras present days to hours before a migraine and typically last between five to twenty minutes (Elrington,2002). These five to twenty minute disturbances can greatly alter perception by causing some type of illusion or hallucination (Hadjikhani et al 2000). Auras may simply cause spots, gaps, blind spots, and other such changes in the visual field (Weatherall,2015). Migraine auras are not thought to be the result of problems in the visual field or with the eyes, but with perception. This change in perception is also found in auras that alter the perception of body size. Size perception in migraine auras present as macrosomatognosia which is the perception of body parts being larger, and macrosomatognosia which is the perception of body parts as being smaller (Podoll K Robinson D, 2000). These change in perception can be localized to one region of the body such as the hands or the head or may involve the whole body. However, this is rare (Podoll K Robinson D, 2000). Migraine auras are common and can be treated with medication, if the warning is heeded it can help prevent the oncoming migraine. However little is understood regarding what causes them and why and how they change perception. Several explanations have been put forth and longer episodes have been studied using MRI. One such study addressed the mechanisms in the brain that may be invo lved in auras. Hadjikhani and colleagues studied patients with a history of migraines with auras in the attempt to trigger an aura in an MRI machine. A flickering checkerboard was used to trigger an aura in the first patient while exercise was used to trigger an aura in a second patient (Hadjikhani et al 2000). The study found that auras may be caused by abnormal blood flow in the occipital lobe ( Hadjikhani et al 2000). Migraine auras help explain the ways in which perception can be altered. They present an opportunity for auras to be properly imaged and studied. While the causes of migraine auras are not agreed upon, it is generally understood that they cause a disturbance in perception. This means that there is nothing wrong with the systems they affect, and sensation and sensory stimuli do not play a role. Migraine auras are a well known example of a disturbance found in perception, but they tend to be small difference such as a gap or spots in the visual field. The Alice in Wonderland syndrome is an example of a dramatic disturbance in perception. The Alice in Wonderland syndrome is a rare perceptual disorder (Mastria et al 2016). Referred to as AIWS, this disorder primarily affects visual perception and somesthetic perception. However, it has been attributed to a variety of perceptual disturbances (Mastria et al 2016). AIWS can also affect body schema and perception of time (Blom,2016). AIWS wa s discovered in 1955 and has only recently begun to be understood (Blom,2016). AIWS is most prevalent in children. However it can affect adults, especially at sleep onset (Mastria et al 2016). It can be difficult to identify exactly what AIWS is. Originally, it was a term used to describe illusionary disturbances in body size perception (Fine,2018). Vision distortion occurs as either microsia, the perception that an object is smaller than is actually is, or micropsia, the perception that an object is larger than is is in reality (Serhat,2017). Metamorphopsia is the general term used to describe an assortment of distortion is size, distance, color and shape (Serhat,2017). Unlike migraines, in which disturbances in perception may be relatively minor, AIWS causes larger, more bizarre perceptual distortions (Serhat,2017). Often these disturbances are classified as illusory in nature (Serhat,2017). Visual perceptions such as family members appearing enormous or rooms size shrinking and or the perception that the individual is now too big for the room are common in AIWS. In one such case, a young girl reported disturbances in perception though to be due to AIWS. The girl reported that her cat often appeared to be a tiger, as well as a few other disturbances in the perception of household items (Serhat,2017). Other than the change in perception no other problems were found. However, the girl did have a history of migraines (Serhat,2017). AIWS has been linked to several potential causes. These are epilepsy, Epstein virus, influenz a and headaches with migraines, in particular (Mastria et al 2016). Perception iis based on personal experiences, culture and personality (Rice University, 2016). However migraines seem to plays a role in disturbances in perception. This is demonstrated in migraine auras and AIWS. AIWS may be a migraine aura. At the very least, there seems to be a correlation between the two. AIWS is reported in patients with migraine history. It is believed that both conditions are genetically linked in this way. Migraine auras and AIWS share many symptoms. Perhaps AIWS is just an aura on a larger scale. Both migraine auras and AIWS occur more frequently in females (Mastria et al 2016). These changes to perception can be unsettling, but they are not dangerous. Patients seem to understand that the problem is with perception and not with reality. Many patients have learned that such a disturbance will dissipate in anywhere from ten minutes to half an hour. In the case of children, it may be hard for the child to effectively communicate what is happening, and parents may be concerned. However AIWS usually disappears before adulthood, with full migraines emerging in their place. One of the main problems with AIWS is that it is hard to diagnose since it can have a wide variety of symptoms associated with it. A second problem is differentiating it from migraine auras because t hey can be similar. Both syndromes may cause changes in perception, but the severity of the disturbance often separates the two. AIWS disturbances are illusionary in nature, while auras are not. Understanding auras and what an extreme syndrome, such as AIWS looks like may help guide research pertaining to migraines. Auras are an early warning system. So perhaps better understanding the aura could help prevent the migraine if the aura is treated properly. Perception is closely tied to an individuals culture and upbringing and previous knowledge. Individuals may not be conscious of minor changes in perception. However, migraine auras are a noticeable change in perception for many and at the extreme end alice in wonderland syndrome may cause a more disturbing and often larger change to perception. Alice in wonderland syndrome is thought to be most prevalent in people with migraines or migraine history. However it can appear duer to other causes cusch as infections. Better understanding alice in wonderland syndrome and recognizing the many symptoms may help to help further understanding of what is at play in the brain and how to treat severe cases.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Aquaculture Research Features Of The Organization - 1650 Words
Aquaculture Research: Features Of The Organization (Essay Sample) Content: IntroductionA hypothetical business is a conjecture business. It means an imaginary business and in this context that if all the resources were made available I would venture in. This essay explores this hypothetical business that I would begin after provision of the necessary resources like time, funds and drive in terms of size, organization structure, company, business environment among other related factors. In the identification of this hypothetical business, it is very important to consider a few things like the availability of resources, government policy and market among other things CITATION Rai16 \l 1033 (Rainelli Weiss, 2016). After this consideration, a large-scale rearing of fish is this business that I would pursue as a start-up. The term start-up means a new business to venture. Aquaculture is one of those fields that generally generate a lot of income and hence beginning such a business will likely lead me to successFeatures of the organizationBusines s size is a key feature to consider about any organization. The floor space covered by a particular business determines its capability and can be used as a ranking tool. My firm would involve the large-scale production of fish that covers a really substantial area. In fact, it would be one of the biggest aquariums if not the biggest in the world. In the business context, several firms covering the same field of specialization make an industry CITATION Hsu17 \l 1033 (Hsu, 2017).The industry of my business, therefore, would be fish production and selling. This means that I will be among those entrepreneurs who are in the same field of specialization.Again, my business would specialize in the provision of goods as opposed to business.When choosing the country in which a particular business would operate one has to be very keen. This is because you need to ensure that what you provide exactly rhymes with the market needs. Statistics show that China is the leading country in aquaculture followed byIndonesia, India, Vietnam and other countries CITATION Hum17 \l 1033 (Human, 2017). Having considered these stats, I would, therefore, locate my business in China to serve both the local and international market like Australia, Switzerland and America among other countries. This is because I will not take time in building the foundation for aquaculture. I will find this already done and growing will be easy because I wont take time convincing buyers that eating fish is good because they already have the experience.It is important also to provide a good business strategy. This is what actually dictates that future of the business. It dictates whether the business goals will be reached and if yes when they can likely be achieved CITATION Leo17 \l 1033 (Leonidou, 2017). I would ensure that there is a good organizational strategy and cooperation among all the business functions to ensure that my objectives are gotten. The vision, on the other hand of any businesses, gives it s prophecy about the future. The vision of my business would be ensuring customer satisfaction and maintaining the first position in aquaculture.The best organizational structureOrganizational structure in the business context means the arrangement of different functions of the business. Every business should have a well-organized structure. This structure determines the ease of management and the flow of activities. A relevant structure allows the business to enjoy good management and conducive environment for the business operations. The organizational structure is defined by the senior leadership and board CITATION Lug17 \l 1033 (Lugli, 2017).There are several organizational structures and these include the matrix, customer, product, geographical, functional organizational structures among others. These structures are used in different types of business. This is to mean that every business usually has its most suitable structure.In my business of rearing and the sale of fish, bec ause it covers more than one region and also different countries the most suitable organizational structure would be the geographical organizational structure. Due to the fact that my firm supplies fish to both the local and external markets, an organizational structure that is organized by regions would be the most suitable. In this structure, there are usually officials in every served country who report to a central oversight person CITATION Woo16 \l 1033 (Wood, 2016). This is the most suitable structure because of the fact that my business serves a span of countries.Internal and external environmental factors and their effect on the businessEnvironmental factors in a business refer to factors that affect the business from either within or without itself. This comprises of the macro business environment and the macro business environment. Micro business environment refers to all those factors that originate from the business itself while macro business environment means those fac tors that are from outside the business CITATION Ash17 \l 1033 (Ashton, 2017). To begin with, internal business environment comprises of owners, business culture, resources and business structure. Owners start the business and manage it. They are the key decision makers and this affects the success of the business. An owner would provide the required resources like water, electricity among others.Again, there are external business factors like culture, competition, demographic factors and legal political, economic among others. Culture is a key determinant of the kind of the business as well as its location. It helps you determine whether the societal norms are opposed to the consumption of your product or not CITATION Gas16 \l 1033 (Gaspar, 2016). Therefore, culture would influence the location of my business. The other is legal political factors. This refers to whether the proposed business is allowed in the country of venture or not. Before starting my aquariums I would determine whether the government allows domestic rearing of fish or not.The economy also would affect my business either positively or negatively. If my customers are able to buy my products my business will be okay but if they are not in a position to my business will be likely to fail. The population of the regions covered by my business still affect the business. If this population increase rapidly I would be sure to make many sales as opposed to when the population is decreasing. The competition also affects the business CITATION Boo15 \l 1033 (Boone, 2015). It is obvious that there will be competition from the pre-establishedfirms. However, I should be able to devise ways of competingfavorably to achieve my business objectives.Risks that will confront my business organizationRisks are perils or threats that might occur in the management or any function of the business organization in its day to day running. There are several of these that will compromise my organization. Among them is reputation risk. This is the risk of getting a bad name that might negatively affect my business. This may result from a mistake done in any of the business functions. Compliance risk might confront my business too. There might come a time where the legal requirements for aquaculture may change abruptly making me unable to abide by them CITATION Arv16 \l 1033 (Arvanitis, 2016). Another risk is the strategic risk. This arises where the previously well-laid structure becomes non-functional or out-dated. Lastly, there is also the operational risk. This involves unexpected failures in the daily running of the business due to factors like power or water supply.Business practices that I would use to enhance my business performanceThere are actually a number of business practices that I would use to enhance my business performance. For instance, I would ensure proper business acumen. It is very critical to ensure that the virtues and values of business like respect, integrity among other v irtues are adhered to. Another practice is the involvement of all the people. I would ensure that all the people feel part and parcel of the business and that none feels neglected. In this way, the business performance is enhanced. Employee motivation is another practice. It is important to show your employees that you value them CITATION Beh15 \l 1033 (Behari, 2015). Therefore, I would ensure they are motivated in several ways to make them perform better. I would also ensure proper record keeping. This ensures transparency and accountability, especially in the financial sector. This will avoid chaos and bring about easy auditing. Lastly,I would ensure that there is teamwork among all the employees. This means that they work with togetherness and cohesion. This makes the business run smoothlyFunctions within the business and how they relate to its performanceFish keeping like any other business has different functions. These functions cooperate harmoniously to ensure that the busine ss runs smoothly and that its long-term goal is achieved. The most important functions within my business will be production, purchasing, marketing, human resource management, research and development and the accounting and financial functions CITATION Ste16 \l 1033 (Stewart, 2016). To begin with, the production function will be responsible for all activities in the rearing of the fish. The purchasing department serves ...
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